Richard Moore

Strategic Advisor

Richard Moore

At the Lab, our Strategic Advisor is a development expert with a background in the development contractor community, Government, and numerous executive boards. The team at the Lab love his wit, ambition, and pragmatism. In a previous life, Richard was Australia’s Alternate Executive Director on the Asian Development Bank Board, a Ministerial Adviser, AusAID Deputy Director General, and First Assistant Secretary on Aid Program Effectiveness and Performance.

Alongside The Lab, Richard was recently a member of the Childfund board, board member of the International Development Contractors Community and Founding Co-Convenor of the Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy and Defence Dialogue. Richard’s strategy and policy experience is highly valued at the Lab. He has for many years, featured prominently in the Australian development reform debate. Now Manila based, Richard’s work at The Lab guides our analysis and research.

Areas of Expertise

  • The intersection between development, diplomacy and defence
  • Development policy and program innovation
  • Aid effectiveness
  • Political economy analysis of public policy making
  • System building to deliver strategic outcomes

Recent Commentary

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