Dr Mercy Masta x Gender Equality, The Pacific Way

What does it mean to truly engage men in the fight for gender equality in the Pacific? With Dr. Mercy Masta, Research Fellow at ANU's Department of Pacific Affairs, we delve into her research that challenges established gender equality discourse in the region. Mercy argues that to foster genuine change, we must incorporate men's perspectives and cultural practices into gender discussions, rather than viewing them solely as obstacles. She also emphasises the importance of recognising existing power dynamics and privileges within Pacific communities, advocating for a more nuanced and inclusive approach to development.

Mercy tackles the Lab's hypothetical, offering advice to Australian development program managers on how to truly transform their approach to gender equality in the Pacific.

Read Mercy's thought-provoking blog "Gender Equality, The Pacific Way" here: https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/gender-equality-pacific-way

Find the original Women Leading and Influencing piece here: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/1522968/REPORT_Engaging-men-in-support-of-womens-leadership-in-the-Pacific.pdf

Access other content that we spoke about in the episode here:

Dr Mercy Masta - “Pacific masculinities: Understanding men's perspectives and experiences on masculinity in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Fiji”

Ezra Klein from the NYT podcast, speaking on masculinity.

Tyson Yunkaporta - “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World”

Dr Salmah Eva-Lina Lawrence - “The Majority World - what’s in a phrase”

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