Our Analysis

Development Policy Submission

November 2022

At the Lab, we're convinced that great development cooperation comes from unusual collaborations, inspired leadership, good-natured debate, and cracking analysis.

We also believe the most effective development policy should start with the insights and intelligence of people who live, breathe, lead and deliver development– particularly those operating in the countries we seek to assist. To deliver on that, the Lab spoke to more than 50 Indo-Pacific regional experts, seeking their views on Australia’s development program, and what needs to change — or stay the same — to ensure it’s as effective as possible.

This submission is a distillation of those views. It provides the Department with an insight into where the region considers Australia’s development priorities should lie, and what needs to change.

The time is ripe for connecting Canberra policy makers to the people who can share frank and crucial insights into Australia’s role in the region. We can choose to carry on with the status quo, or we can change the way international development is conducted and address some of the issues covered in this submission.

This submission is authored by the more than 50 regional experts consulted on this project, collated by Bridi Rice (CEO), Izzy Coleman (Project Assistant) and Jason Staines (Production Manager).

Bridi Rice
Bridi Rice
Isabelle Coleman
Isabelle Coleman
Program Manager
50+ Regional Voices collated by The Lab.

Development Policy Submission

Development Policy SubmissionDevelopment Policy Submission

Development Policy Submission

Development Policy Submission